Request Payment
As a merchants, your beneficiaries can request payment from other beneficiaries or other mobile money providers. In order to make a payment request, you need to make a POST request.
Request Parameters
Field | Type | Description | Example |
merchantReference | Alpha-Numeric | This is a unique identifier of this payment request transaction. | 0****4 |
merchantCode | String | A unique number assigned to an organization/merchant registered with ViewTech, through which payment is received (can be Paybill or Till number) | 4****6 |
networkCode | String | A unique five digit code used for identifying the various mobile money providers. | 0(SasaPay) 63902(MPesa) 63903(AirtelMoney) 63907(T-Kash) |
mobileNumber | String | This is the mobile number from which funds are being transferred. | 07*******8 |
receiverAccountNumber | String | This is the unique number identifying a customer whose wallet is to be loaded with funds. | 2*****1-1 |
amount | String | The amount of money being loaded to the customer’s wallet. | 100.00 |
transactionFee | String | This the amount charged as the transaction fee for wallet topup. | 0 |
commissionAccountNumber | String(Optional) | This the account number of the dealer/referrer to receive the commision amount. | 123456 |
commissionAmount | String(Optional) | This the amount to be paid to the dealer/referrer. | 5.00 |
currencyCode | String | Standardization that defines alpha codes and numeric codes for the representation of currencies | KES |
transactionDesc | String | A brief description of the purpose of topping up the balance. | “Funds for paying Utilities” |
callbackUrl | URL | This is the URL where SasaPay will send the results after the payment process is initiated. | |
Key: Authorization
"merchantReference": "0****4",
"networkCode": "0",
"mobileNumber": "0702****80",
"receiverAccountNumber": "254701****43",
"amount": "50",
"transactionFee": "0",
"commissionAccountNumber": "123456",
"commissionAmount": "5",
"currencyCode": "KES",
"merchantCode": "2**2",
"transactionDesc": "Request payment",
"callbackUrl": "https://******.io/d89d-4909-937b"
Response Parameters
Field | Type | Description | Example |
responseCode | String | This is status code that indicates the status of the response. 0 means success and any other code means an error occurred or the request failed.Please refer to the response codes table above. | "statusCode": "0" |
message | String | A description of the response status sent by SasaPay API. | "Stk Push Sent" |
merchantReference | String | A unique identifier of the transaction generated by the Merchant system. | 0**94 |
transactionReference | String | A unique identifier for a transaction generated by SasaPay API. | "WS**8" |
customerMessage | String | These are steps to be followed when you want to pay manually from your phone SIM TOOLKIT. | "1.GO TO SASAPAY APP OR DIAL *626# 2. SELECT 'PAY' 3. SELECT 'LIPA BILL' 4. ENTER BILLER NUMBER: '40009' 5. ENTER ACCOUNT REFERENCE: 'WS**8' 6. ENTER AMOUNT:KSH '100' 7. ENTER YOUR SASAPAY PIN" |
"status": true,
"responseCode": "0",
"message": "OTP sent. Share the code to complete transaction",
"paymentGateway": "SasaPay",
"checkoutRequestID": "a4184244-7c47-****-951f-5344f58b216e",
"merchantReference": "124161154",
Process Payment
When the mobile number being requested for payment is registered with SasaPay, the request payment API sends a 6-digits code to the mobile number. This unique verification code is required to process the transaction for request payment to be completed. To process payment request transaction, you need to do a POST call to the following endpoint:
Field | Type | Description | Example |
MerchantCode | Numeric | A unique number assigned to an organization/merchant registered with ViewTech, through which payment is received (can be Paybill or Till number) | 60**80 |
BeneficiaryAccountNumber | String | The beneficiary account number to receive payment | 60**80-100 |
CheckoutRequestID | Alpha-Numeric | A unique identifier of the transaction request. | 763df0f8-a815-40f5-b13f-cdb4632793e6 |
VerificationCode | Numeric | This is a 6 digit code sent to a mobile number making payment. This is the code the authorizes processing of the transaction. | 123456 |
Key: Authorization
Value: Bearer Q1k2RW5SOGlsYUZnRzNGMk1DNlE1T1gzemFtY
"merchantCode": "2**2",
"receiverAccountNumber": "1234",
"checkoutRequestId": "5afc20f0-6f92-****-b459-e4db2c818b07",
"verificationCode": "123456"
Response Parameters
Field | Type | Description | Example |
status | Bool | This is a true or false status that indicates the status of the response. true means success and false means an error occurred or the request failed.Please refer to the response codes table above. | true |
detail | Numeric | This is the message from the API describing the status of the transaction. | "Transaction submitted for processing" |
"status": true,
"responseCode": "0",
"message": "Transaction is being processed"
After the payment request is processed, the RESULTS are sent to the API which forwards these results to your system through the callback URL sent with the initial request.
Results Parameters
Field | Type | Description | Example |
MerchantRequestID | Decimal | The unique id sent with the transaction request from the Merchant system | "25*******77" |
CustomerMobile | String | This mobile number from where the funds are requested | "2547*******7" |
ResultCode | Numeric | The numeric status of the results, sent to the callback url | 0 means success, while any other code indicates that an error occurred. The specific error is describe in the ResultDesc field |
ResultDesc | String | This is a message from the API that gives the status of the request processing and usually maps to a specific result code value. | "Transaction processed successfully." |
CheckoutRequestID | String | This is a unique SasaPay transaction ID for every payment request. Same value is sent to the customer over SMS upon successful processing. | "6f3ebd0d-b892-4c4e-952a-f3eea030af85" |
BillRefNumber | JSON Object | This is a unique SasaPay transaction ID for every payment request. Same value is sent to the customer over SMS upon successful processing. It is usually returned under the ResultParameter array. | PR52 |
TransAmount | Number | This is the amount that was transacted. It is usually returned under the ResultParameter array. | "10.00" |
TransactionDate | String | This is the date and time that the transaction completed SasaPay. | "20220305103101" |
"MerchantRequestID": "3fu5y1421",
"CheckoutRequestID": "9074b69e-c02d-****-97b7-bb621638127d",
"PaymentRequestID": "WS1749",
"ResultCode": "0",
"ResultDesc": "Transaction processed successfully.",
"SourceChannel": "M-PESA",
"TransAmount": "10.00",
"BillRefNumber": "3fu5y1421",
"TransactionDate": "20231114025735",
"CustomerMobile": "25470*****80",
"TransactionCode": "SPEJ****38VRH",
"ThirdPartyTransID": "SPO**356S"