Business To Beneficiary
As a merchant, you can credit your beneficiaries accounts from your non-WAAS utility account. To credit your beneficiary account, follow the instructions below.
Request Parameters
Field | Type | Description | Example |
TransactionReference | Alpha-Numeric | This is a unique identifier of this payment request transaction. | o**9 |
SenderMerchantCode | String | A unique number assigned to an organization/merchant registered with ViewTech. This is the MerchantCode sending money. | 40****9 |
ReceiverMerchantCode | String | A unique number assigned to an organization/merchant registered with ViewTech. This is the MerchantCode associated with WAAS. It is the MerchantCode receiving money. | 30****8 |
BeneficiaryAccountNumber | String | This is the unique number identifying a beneficiary whose account will be credited once ReceiverMerchantCode receives the money will receive money from the merchant. | 40****9-122 |
Amount | Numeric | This the amount of money being sent from the merchant's utility acccount to the beneficiary account. | 10 |
TransactionFee | Numeric | This is the amount of money charged for the transaction. | 0 |
Reason | String | This is an optional message describing the purpose of the transaction. | "Paying for shopping" |
CallBackUrl | URL | This is the URL where SasaPay will send the results after the payment is processed successfully. | https://post******909-937b |
Request sample
Key: Authorization
Value: Bearer Q1k2RW5SOGlsYUZnRzNGMk1DNlE1T1gzemFtY
"TransactionReference": "93*7",
"SenderMerchantCode": "9****",
"ReceiverMerchantCode": "32000",
"BeneficiaryAccountNumber": "32***-8*",
"Amount": 10,
"TransactionFee": 0,
"Reason": "Customer Reason",
"CallBackUrl": "https://****.*o/d89****9-937b",
Response Parameters
Field | Type | Description | Example |
status | String | This is a boolean value that indicates the status of the response. true means success and false means an error occurred or the request failed. | "true": "0" |
message | String | A description of the response status sent by SasaPay API. | "Transaction is being processed" |
MerchantRequestID | Alpha-Numeric | A unique identifier of the transaction generated by the Merchant system. | 2****11 |
CheckoutRequestID | Alpha-Numeric | A unique identifier for a transaction and can be used to check the status of the transaction.This is generated by SasaPay API. | "763df0f8-a815-40f5-b13f-cdb4632793e6" |
Response Sample
"status": true,
"message": "Transaction is being processed",
"MerchantRequestID": "9*67",
"CheckoutRequestID": "e45c52da-855******-eba9f92885ad"
After the payment request is processed, the RESULTS are sent to the API which forwards these results to your system through the callback URL.
Results Parameters
Field | Type | Description | Example |
ResultCode | Numeric | This is status code that indicates the status of the transaction. 0 means success and any other code means an error occurred or the transaction failed.Please refer to the response codes table above. | "ResultCode" : 0 |
SenderMerchantCode | Numeric | This is the merchant code that is sending the money. account. | 40***59 |
ReceiverMerchantCode | Numeric | This is the merchant code associated with WAAS and it the merchant code that is receiving the money. account. | 30***9 |
CheckoutRequestID | Alpha-Numeric | A unique identifier of the crediting request | fba2f953-8f3d-*****-6500c |
MerchantRequestID | String | A unique identifier of the crediting transaction request generated from the merchant’s system. | 23***2 |
MerchantCode | String | A unique number assigned to an organization/merchant registered with ViewTech, through which payment is received (can be Paybill or Till number). | "40***59" |
ResultDesc | String | A message from the API that provides more details about the status of processing the transaction request. | "Transaction processed successfully" |
TransactionDate | TimeStamp | This is a timestamp that represents the date and time that the transaction completed in the format YYYYMMDDHHmmss | 20220525120438 |
TransAmount | Numeric | This is the amount of money transferred from the merchant's account to the beneficiary account. | "50" |
BeneficiaryAccountNumber | Numeric | This is the beneficiary account number receiving the money fro the merchant. | 32***0-85 |
Result sample
"ReceiverMerchantCode": "3**00",
"ResultCode": 0,
"CheckoutRequestID": "e45c****-855c-4b63-a173-e**f92885ad",
"SenderMerchantCode": "95000",
"MerchantRequestID": "9**7",
"MerchantCode": "2**00",
"ResultDesc": "Transaction processed successfully.",
"TransactionDate": "20220603152646",
"TransAmount": "10.00",
"BeneficiaryAccountNumber": "3**00-8*"