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Bulk Payment

As a SasaPay merchant, you can efficiently distribute funds to multiple clients simultaneously through various channels. This feature is ideal for scenarios such as salary payments, loan disbursements, promotional payouts, and any other situations requiring bulk disbursements.

Alt test Endpoint:

Request Parameters

merchant_codeStringUnique code assigned to the merchant"600980"
bulk_payment_referenceStringReference for the bulk payment"BULK_REF_001"
descriptionStringDescription of the bulk payment"May Salary Payment Batch 1"
debit_account_numberStringAccount number to debit the payment amount from"600980"
charges_account_numberStringAccount number to charge any associated fees"600980"
callback_urlStringURL to call back once the bulk payment process is complete"http://localhost"
payment_detailsArrayList of payment detailsSee below
├── receiver_nameStringName of the payment receiver"John Doe"
├── account_numberStringReceiver's account number"1234567890"
├── channel_codeStringCode representing the payment channel"01"
├── amountStringAmount to be paid"1000.00"
├── payment_referenceStringUnique reference for the payment"PAY_REF_001"
├── payment_reasonStringReason for the payment"May Salary"
Sample request
Key: Authorization
Value: Bearer cFJZcjZ6anEwaThMMXp6d1FETUxwWkIzeVBDa2hNc2M6UmYyMkJmWm9nMHFRR2xWOQ==

"merchant_code": "600980",
"bulk_payment_reference": "BULK_REF_001",
"description": "May Salary Payment Batch 1",
"payment_details": [
"receiver_name": "John Doe",
"account_number": "1234567890",
"channel_code": "01",
"amount": "1000.00",
"payment_reference": "PAY_REF_001",
"payment_reason": "May Salary"
"receiver_name": "Jane Smith",
"account_number": "0987654321",
"channel_code": "63902",
"amount": "2000.00",
"payment_reference": "PAY_REF_002",
"payment_reason": "May Salary"